[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One in five people suffers from emotional problems sufficiently distressing to justify seeking professional help. Their symptoms can range from relatively mild feelings of depression and anxiety to severe distress and dysfunction, which threatens life itself. Unfortunately, many people with mental illnesses and emotional problems fail to seek the professional help they need. Here clinical psychologists are concerned with all aspects of behaviour, thought, emotions, feelings and motivation underlying such behaviour. They provide counselling and psychotherapy for mentally and emotionally distressed clients. These may include:
• Anxiety and depression
• Serious and enduring mental illness
• Adjustment to physical illness
• Neurological disorder
• Eating disorder
• Behaviour disorder
• Personal and family relationship problems
• Learning disabilities.
Psychological assessments are undertaken to identify and measure the individual’s intelligence, personality, aptitude, ability, talent, efficiency and competency. For children, psychological assessment helps in assessing developmental issues, intelligence and personality. It helps in identifying mental retardation, Autism, ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder) etc.
• Assessments include
• Diagnostic Psychometric Assessment
• Personality profile
• Assessment of childhood Disorders
• IQ, Developmental Disability Assessments (ADHD/ Autism/ SLD)
• Neuropsychological Assessment
• Aptitude Test and Career Counselling
Psycho Diagnosis testing provides objective data on a patient’s psychological functioning and is a useful tool for clarifying confusing clinical presentations.
Neurological Evaluation: is used for measuring memory, cognitive functioning, emotional and personality functioning, early cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s epilepsy etc.
We have well-developed facilities as well as services of experienced professionals that allow us to successfully handle the treatment needs of all types of psychotherapy cases. Therpy can be individual and group sessions. The techniques include Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Behaviour Modification techniques,, Rational Emotive Therapy(RET), Relaxation- JPMR and Crisis Intervention. The other treatments we provide include:
• De-addiction Therapy
• Marital & Family Intervention
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