At Shanti Home, Day care services are available. Daycare services are for partially improved psychiatric patients with stable clinical states, discharged from psychiatric hospitals and rehabilitation units as well as the follow-up patients from the OPD.
A multidisciplinary team consisting of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychiatric social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychiatric nurses, and vocational trainers take part in the treatment of the daycare patients. The patients get trained in social and vocational skills.
A structured working program for patients consisting of individual and group sessions attending the daycare center is developed. It is planned to provide ‘Activity scheduling’, ‘Skills training’, and ‘Vocational training’ depending on the patient’s functional status and aptitude. At present, vocational training activities include tailoring, art and craft, horticulture, candle making, screen printing, basic computer training, home care training, etc.
Placement options are also available in indicated cases.