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Psychiatric social work is a specialized branch that helps patients and families to deal with specific psychosocial needs arising due to temporary or permanent deficits associated with mental illnesses or as a result of psychosocial adversities or conflicts. Our social workers assist people by helping them to cope with and solve issues in their day-to-day life, such as family and personal problems and dealing with relationships.

The psychiatric social workers at Shantihome are also providing psychosocial “intervention to patients and their families in liaison with NGO’s working in Noida and Greater Noida as well as those residing in government welfare Homes.”

Social work services include individual and group counseling sessions during the year to impart psycho education to patients and their families.  Family counseling sessions are held for Caregivers to enhance their level of understanding of illness, prognosis, and the role of psychosocial factors in the disease outcome. The focus is to help patients  and families  to cope with the  illnesses  as well  as reintegration  of patients into  the family  and

community as productive members and reduce the overall burden of the illness.


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