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No Coding Required

landing page

Advanced Theme Options

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Drag & Drop Page Builder

landing page

1 Click Demo Installation

10+ specialized homepages

A special theme for medical & health care services


Dedicated Blog Layouts

Publish and deliver all news related to medical and health care services with style
landing pages
landing pages


Customizable Service Layouts

Use different layouts for displaying available services and help your clients find appropriate ones
landing page
Efficiency proven header styles from HealSoul help increase your readers’ reading experience
landing pages
landing page
All custom shortcodes from HealSoul are highly comprehensive and useful for page building
landing page

Mega Menus

Mega menus bring about the convenience for web browsing for your visitors
landing page

Premium Plugins

All custom shortcodes from HealSoul are highly comprehensive and useful for page building
slider revolution
font awesome
shanti homes

Powerful Tools and Plugins

Our themes are built so that you don't need to download several plugins to get the experience you want out of your site. But if you have a favorite plugin or two, chances are it will pair nicely with Pearl.

Free Lifetime Updates

Mega menus bring about the convenience for web browsing for your visitors
changing the world ages

Support Channels

We offer helps through many channels: Online documentation, human support, support forum
online documentation
human support
support forum
5 stars

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